Eric Bineau
An innovative HR software designed for agile processes.
In partnership with HR Web Solutions, BDO Technology offers a Human Resources Information System: mpleo; this is a web-based tool accessible with an internet connection through any web browser. You do not need server or specific infrastructure. The database is hosted in Luxembourg in a major data center.
mpleo is interfaced with payroll calculation software PayEase*. This allows you to benefit from a full integrated Human Resources management solution.
mpleo automates and simplifies HR processes management. By centralising all data linked to HR management, mpleo supports clients helping them to achieve their objectives.
The software provides several functional modules covering all HR components:
- HR administration,
- Recruitment,
- Training, including INFPC reports,
- Time management,
- ...
Some functions to be mentioned:
- Employee self-service and manager self-service allow you to involve your employees, both staff and managers, in HR daily management,
- Extended reporting possibilities enable you to get many HR dashboards and reports on all HR data whether it is for your business needs, your top management or for the head office,
- Workflows and HR processes are highly adaptable to the needs of the clients,
- Integration with PayEase for a full integrated solution,
- Word and email templates available.
mpleo allows you to simplify and securely send data for payroll calculation instructions to your BDO payroll officer.
A powerful tool for HR department to act as a strategic partner!
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* mpleo may also be used without PayEase